Saturday, December 27, 2008

What's the Story, Morning Glory?

DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed in this entry reflect only those of the author's. By no means does the author claim to have Lui's ideas on this unless she specifically agrees with what I have to say. Heck, suffice it to say that whatever I say in this article are my thoughts alone. Getz?

So what is it really with blogging that finally caught our fancy? Or should I say, what's the story behind the sudden blogging frenzy?

For some time now, I've been keeping secret blog accounts which I never really use. They were there simply to say that I have an account. Then when Multiply came around, I promised myself that I'd begin writing again, something my system seemed to have forgotten since I aced my Comm 2 papers back in UPM. I really started with the Friendster blog, then Multiply's. And then the LiveJournal account which I've actually been keeping buzzing for the last month.

Then one day, while Lui and I were chatting after our shifts, I asked if she has a blog of her own, to which she answered with an affirmative, only it's empty, she says. Then she sent me the link to her boss's account. One thing led to another and I found myself approving a contributor's invite to Huginn and Muninn. It was then that I discovered one of the many blog accounts I've had hidden all these years... the Drifter's Haven, also entry- less, which is a different story.

We made a pact then and there to REALLY start writing again, going so far as to commit to an entry at least in a week. And today, I realized how difficult, or should I say painful, it is to wrack one's brain for something to say. To think that I suggested we keep at least two a week?! Unthinkable!

We told each other that we'll just finish closing our Aspire forms, then we'd start writing. I finished my task 3 hours ago. Now, a movie and two cups of coffee later, I still can't come up with a coherent thought to put down. Literally, we are letting the ravens pick at our brains.

So who exactly are we? We are Huginn and Muninn, the Nordic raven whisperers of Odin. Lui bears news of the north, and I, of the south. Two Iskas. Two separate identities. Two varied worlds. Two different minds. Two points of view. One blog.

This is Huginn. This is Muninn. Thought and memory.


  1. i edited muginn to muninn ha! :)

  2. yep, these thoughts are purely her own! but i hafta agree with her on a lot of points!

    nice post, jj!
